Meeting of the European Economic and Social Committee

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held its meeting on 27 July 2020 on the Victims` Rights Strategy in order to support the work of the rapporteur of the EESC opinion on the Strategy. During the input session of the meeting, the representatives of the European Commission, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, the Victim Support Europe and the European Network on Victims` Rights discussed the core elements of the Strategy.

Aniella Ferenczi on behalf of ENVR introduced the network to EECS and presented the role of ENVR in the Strategy.

ENVR welcomes the Strategy and the idea of the Victims` Rights Platform and the Victims` Rights Coordinator.

ENVR has been addressed at more points in the Strategy which is a catalogue of significant actions for the upcoming years. ENVR is already strongly linked to the Strategy by its ongoing responsibilities.

One of the highlighted issues in the document is to improve the cooperation between the relevant national authorities. This point of the Strategy equals to one of the main priorities of ENVR which is always seeking new ways for strengthening the cooperation. The Find my Victim Support System date base going to be developed this year by ENVR can serve the facilitation of cooperation, beyond functioning as a tool for improving the access to information by victims.

The compensation is also a stressed issue of the Strategy and it is regularly on the agenda of ENVR, from both aspects as better access to compensation and the improvement of the cross-border case management. The strengthening of cooperation between ENVR and European network of national points for compensation is scheduled tasks of ENVR from 2020 autumn.

The supporting of victims of terrorism is also an area of victims` rights which is of core importance for ENVR and focused by the Strategy too. ENVR has been actively participating in the implementation of the tasks of the EU Centre of Expertise for Victims of Terrorism.

Beyond the above ongoing responsibilities the Network will participate in the implementation of the Strategy on a much broader scale.

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UN conference on victims of terrorism

AENVR management is attending the United Nations International Conference on victims of terrorism, in Vitoria/Gasteiz, Spain, on 8-9 October.   The conference brings together 400