AENVR Management team facilitated this discussion by inviting various speakers : 🏛 Mario Thurner and Ninel Sadjadi, both experts from CLC, Austria, presented as a study case the terrorist Vienna attack of 2020 by introducing Austria’s institutional crisis response and how they later on delivered mid-term and long-term support to victims from various nationalities 🤝 Selina Ganescu explained how Eurojust serves as a cooperation platform between Member states by allowing prosecutors and judges to meet and discuss their respective cases. Selina also highlighted the creation of a focus group dedicated to victims’ rights especially in cross-border cases. 👫 Tony and Justine, British survivors from the Bataclan attack in Paris, described their experience as cross-border victims and the support they received thanks to the NGO Life For PAris : 13 Novembre 2015. AENVR thanks Victim Support Europe for the great cooperation in organizing this successful online event.

ENVR 2024 second Study Visit goes to Paris
The second study visit was held on 14-16 October 2024 in Paris, France, where experts from Croatia, Germany, Latvia and Lithuania came together to discuss