VICTI Project training

📅 22-24 november 2023 📍 Naples, Italy 📚 VICTI Project training 🤝 AENVR contributes as a partner organization to the project called “the place of victims in criminal proceedings with a substantial number of victims” led by the Ecole nationale de la Magistrature. The main objective of the project is to ensure the effectiveness of the Victims’ Rights’ Directive in the context of extraordinary proceedings including substantial number of victims.   🔄 The programme will focus on exchanging good practices between European judges, prosecutors and other victims’ rights professionals concerning these proceedings that are difficult to deal with due to the numbers of victims, especially in the compensation phase. ✏ Please send your application to until 15 September 2023

European Commission‘s initiative to strengthen the rights of victims of all crime by updating the existing Victims’ Rights Directive.
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