
Association of the European Network on Victims’ Rights 

2022 Autumn Expert Meeting and Seminar of the European Network on Victims’ Rights 16-18 November 2022, Vienna, Austria

Participants: Experts of the Generic Network of the European Network on Victims’ Rights, representatives of the European Commission, representatives of partner stakeholders


16 November 2022

Location: Federal Ministry of Justice of Austria, Palais Trautson, Museumstraße 7, 1070 Vienna

Meeting of the General Assembly 16.00 – 18.00

The General Assembly is open for one representative per each member of the Association

Welcome reception hosted by the Federal Ministry of Justice of Austria 18.00 – 20.00

Welcome speech by Dr. Alma Zadić, LL.M., Federal Minister of Justice of Austria

17 November 2022: Expert Meeting Day

Location: Federal Ministry of Justice of Austria, Palais Trautson, Museumstraße 7, 1070 Vienna

Plenary session 9.00 – 10.00

9.00-9.15 – Opening of the event by Dr. Christian Manquet, Acting Director General, Federal Ministry of Justice of Austria

9.15 – 9.30 – Priorities and actions of the European Commission – Katarzyna Janicka Pawlowska, EC Coordinator for victims’ rights, DG JUST European Commission

9.30 – 9.45 – Updates by the delegate of the CZ Ministry of Justice on the actions taken by the Czech Presidency of the EU Council, related to victims’ rights – Pavla Pesatova, Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic

9.45 – 10.00 – Follow-up of the ENVR actions and results in 2022 – Aniella Ferenczi, manager of the Association of the European Network on Victims’ Rights

10.00 – 10.30 Coffee break

Workshop session 10.30 – 16.00

Workshop round I – 10.30 – 12.30

Lunch break 12.30 – 14.00

Workshop round II – 14.00 – 16.00

Coffee break 16.00 – 16.15

Workshop I – Exchange of ideas between the ENVR experts and the EU COM about the priorities such as 1) the revision of the Victims’ Rights Directive 2) the updates of the EU awareness raising campaign Katarzyna Janicka Pawlowska, EC Coordinator for victims’ rights 2) the updates of the EU awareness raising campaign – Ioana Traista, Communications officer, European Commission

Coordinator: Alice Henriroux, AENVR


Workshop II – Exchange of ideas between the ENVR experts and EUROJUST 1) on identification and supporting of war crime victims – with the participation of the Genocide Network – Chloé Faucourt, Genocide Network 2) the possible forms of cooperation between ENVR and EUROJUST – with the participation of the EUROJUST Victims’ Rights Team – Laura Vaik and Eric Frejabue, EUROJUST

Coordinator: Aniella Ferenczi, AENVR


Social programme 17 November 2022 16.30 – 18.30

Vienna guided city tour by bus

Experts’ dinner 18.30 – 20.30

Location: Melker Stiftskeller, Schottengasse 3, 1010 Vienna

18 November 2022: Seminar Day on Digitalisation of justice

Location: Federal Ministry of Justice of Austria, Palais Trautson, Museumstraße 7, 1070 Vienna

Workshop round I – 9.30 – 11.00

Coffee break 11.00 – 11.20

Workshop round II – 11.20 – 12.50

13.00 – 13.15 Closing of the event

13.15 Lunch

Workshop I – Digitalization of justice – Introducing the preliminary results of the ENVR desk research, Good practices and experiences of victims’ online access to criminal files, Exchange of ideas about the role of digitalization in victim support. Coordinator: Alice Henriroux, AENVR


Workshop II – Specific digital solutions for victims, in particular victims with disabilities

– introducing the – presentation by Jan Schokker / Central Judicial Collection Agency of the Netherlands, and Jelte Jongsma / Police Netherlands

– introducing the project ‘CHAT for Victims – Changing the accessibility of tools for victims – presentation by Aleksandra Ivankovic / Victim Support Europe

– exchange ideas on national best practices and challenges regarding the application of digital solution, in particular in case of victims with disabilities

Coordinator: Aniella Ferenczi, AENVR
