ENVR 2024 second Study Visit goes to Paris
The second study visit was held on 14-16 October 2024 in Paris, France, where experts from Croatia, Germany, Latvia and Lithuania came together to discuss
The second study visit was held on 14-16 October 2024 in Paris, France, where experts from Croatia, Germany, Latvia and Lithuania came together to discuss
AENVR management is attending the United Nations International Conference on victims of terrorism, in Vitoria/Gasteiz, Spain, on 8-9 October. The conference brings together 400
ENVR continues to organize study visits in 2024. The first visit was held on 1-2 October 2024, in Salzburg, Austria, where experts of Austria, Czech
An E-UCVT Webinar took place last Tuesday, 28 May, hosted by the Directorate General for Support to Victims of Terrorism (Spanish Ministry of Interior). Many
AENVR moderated a webinar on the EU-CVT Hub plateform to discuss the importance of a holistic approach to victim assistance following a terrorist attack. Experts
The Association of the European Network on Victims’ Rights (AENVR) introduced its Study visit programme element in 2022. Each year two in-person study visits are
📅 22-24 november 2023 📍 Naples, Italy 📚 VICTI Project training 🤝 AENVR contributes as a partner organization to the project called “the place of
We look forward to support Member states in the upcoming work to ensure that all victims in the EU can fully benefit from their rights.
AENVR Management team facilitated this discussion by inviting various speakers : 🏛 Mario Thurner and Ninel Sadjadi, both experts from CLC, Austria, presented as a
As part of the EU-CVT Consortium, we had the opportunity to visit JUSTITIA the special courtroom set up to hold Brussels attacks’ trial. The visit
Experts from our Generic Network tackled the individual assessment tool created by the Victims’ Rights Directive in 2012. ? How did the Member states implement
ENVR management team thanks Victim Support Europe for facilitating the first webinar of the EU-CVT Hub of expertise. Discussing victims’ experience of their rights in
The EU Centre offers a platform for national authorities and victim support organisations in the Member States to exchange knowledge and experience on rights of
Throwback to ENVR’s last spring conference in Berlin ! We gathered EU experts from the three networks : the Generic Network, the Compensation Network and
The event provided for a platform for exchanges between the policy makers, civil society and academia, including possibilities of making new connections and establishing new
The European Network On Victims’ Rights is proud to deepen its cooperation with the European Agency Eurojust for the benefit of victims of cross-border crime.
On February 20, 2023, the management team of the ENVR was happy to attend the ‘Achieving Safe Justice for Victim of Crimes’ conference, organized by
The meeting was structured to approach the subject topic from the aspect of panel speakers of different areas. Marieta Tosheva on behalf of the European
The campaign aims to ensure that victims of crime and their friends and family understand their rights and that they feel empowered to use them.
On 1 December, the European network on victims rights, with the help of the Estonian Ministry of Justice, organised a study visit to Tallinn on
On 24 November 2022 the European Network on Victims’ Rights organised a study visit to Dublin (Ireland) on compensation schemes for crime victims. The visit
The Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union has organised this year the European Crime Prevention Award (ECPA), an exceptional exchange of crime prevention best
European Network on Victims’ Rights I. Focus group meeting – 3 August 2022 Generic Network 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Previous ENVR events 2015-2017
On the Occasion of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU, the Probation and Mediation Service of the Czech Republic held a conference
On September 15, 2022, the European Network on Victims’ Rights (ENVR) participated in the Ad hoc meeting of the Victims’ Rights Platform on victims of
Berenike Waubert de Puiseau, task manager of the ENVR, presented the draft operational protocol developed for single contact points for victims of terrorism to the
The European Commission has opened a public consultation on a possible revision of the Directive 2011/93/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13
The European Commission published its evaluation of the Victims’ Rights Directive. The evaluation shows that the Victims’ Rights Directive has greatly contributed to improving the
The objective of the meeting was to gather the input of the Victims’ Rights Platform on the upcoming revision of the Victims’ Rights Directive. The
Today, the ENVR is participating in the meeting of the European platform for victims’ rights. After a presentation by the European Commission of the directive
On March 10th 2022, Aniella FERENCZI and Berenike WAUBERT DE PUISEAU gave presentations at a symposium organised by the French Ministry of Justice. This symposium,
You can now follow the ENVR’s news on social networks thanks to its new LinkedIn profile (Here). Do not hesitate to subscribe to its profile
At the ad hoc meeting of the EU Victims’ Rights Platform on “digitalisation of victim support” on March 17, 2021, the ENVR was honoured to
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held its meeting on 27 July 2020 on the Victims` Rights Strategy in order to support the work
The 16th European Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism was on the 11 March 2020. Established to commemorate the Madrid bombings of 11 March 2004,
On 20 December 2019, Victim Support Europe (VSE) officially announced that it had won the tender launched by the European Commission for setting up the
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