European Network on Victims' Rights

AUSTRIA – Specific measures during COVID-19 crisis

1) Good practices on communication with victims and crime reporting

I. The website of the Federal Ministry of Justice offers a COVID-19 sub-link for the public, containing

(i) general information on COVID-19 specific measures at court and prosecution services,

(ii) a COVID-19 Q & A section, and

(iii) specific information on COVID-19 related laws, respective amendments and ministerial orders. Links were set to COVID-19 awareness raising websites from other ministries and NGOs.

CP.  (in German language).

II. Victim support organisations were advised on COVID-19 measures at court and prosecution services and are updated regularly.

2) Good practices on organisation of support and protection

I. COVID-19 specific measures were not only introducedfor victims of domestic violence, cybercrime and hate crime, but for all victims of crime as follows:

(i) The courts and prosecution services received COVID-19 guidelines from the Federal Ministry of Justice and were equipped accordingly (surgical masks and helmets, acrylic glass barriers, etc.).

(ii) Respective equipment is available for and offered to victims, too.

(iii) Courts and prosecution services are advised to increasingly make use of video conferencing tools.

II. Currently, from the point of view of the Federal Ministry of Justice, an increase in domestic violence in Austria cannot be verified due to the lack of valid data. However, prosecution services are prepared if an increase might take place in the upcoming weeks.

III. Due to awareness raising measures in the judiciary, COVID-19 related criminal offences are thoroughly monitored.

3) Other good practices

Additional measures of the Austrian Federal government can be found on the Council of Europe website: