In the current situation, contact with victims is typically done without a personal interview. Therefore, communication is done by telephone (7/24 free Victim Support Hot Line), by post or by electronic means (e-mail, Facebook). In addition, personal administration is available to victims at the physical reception spots like at all Victim Support Services and at the walk-in Victim Support Centres.
During this time, victims themselves are increasingly looking for the opportunity to reduce personal administration to the extent of what is absolutely necessary. To this end, the Hungarian emergency scheme offers the possibility of initiating victim assistance proceedings either electronically or by post. In line with this, emotional assistance is provided by psychologists of Victim Support Centers to all clients via telephone upon request. It is worth emphasizing that it is not necessary for clients to call only if she or he becomes a victim of crime, because under the Hungarian scheme all crises situations justify emotional assistance.
As for victims of domestic violence, it is worth noting that Victim Support Service, Victim Support Centers and the Victim Support Hot Line are part of the signalling/referring system, so if they become aware of domestic violence, they report it to the competent authorities.
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